For over a year the MAT faculty and staff have been in the process of creating a conceptual framework. The conceptual framework serves as the guiding structure to articulate the multiple dimensions of the MAT teacher education program. The creation of this document consists of multiple steps. Here are some of them:
•Review our mission and vision
•Review our philosophies and goals
•Determine the knowledge bases in the program with regard to theories, research, and practice
•Determine candidate proficiencies
•Align the above with local and national standards
•Determine, select and create assessments.
All of these aspects were discussed among the staff and brought to the faculty for further discussion and analysis. Last summer the faculty and staff worked with well known researcher Marilyn Cochran-Smith from Boston College to further guide, clarify, and validate our work. The process was time consuming, but it was very worthwhile. All of this work has led to a shared vision of the curriculum that is coherent and meaningful.
The most important result that has occurred in this process has been the creation of four program outcomes. It is important for you to get acquainted with them. Please read them and answer the questions below.
I. Candidates have knowledge of diverse learners and are responsive to their developmental and social contexts.
All candidates will:
•design appropriate research-based learning experiences that reflect understanding of developmental stages and the way each student learns;
•develop appropriate learning experiences that reflect an understanding of the language and culture of others;
•establish a safe environment where each student is accepted and where curiosity and risk taking are valued;
•use student’s prior knowledge to make personal connections to subject matter.
II. Candidates have the knowledge of teaching as intricate and collaborative work.
All candidates will:
•set expectations for learning, model learning strategies, and provide constructive feed-back;
•create opportunities for students to self-assess;
•use a variety of explanations and multiple representations of concepts that help students develop conceptual understanding;
•deliver effective instruction based on research to keep students challenged, focused and accountable;
•revise instructional strategies both long range and moment to moment; as necessary;
•use technological advances to enrich instructional practices;
•collaborate and work in partnership with peers, schools, families, other professionals and agencies in supporting student learning.
III. Candidates will know their subject matter and how to teach it in light of the social purposes of education.
All candidates will:
•have a deep understanding of the history, structure and real-world purposes of education;
•use research in the disciplines that they teach.
•incorporate local, state and national standards curriculum and instruction
•balance breadth and depth, incorporate affective and cognitive goals for learning.
•know professional, educational, legal and ethical responsibilities to students and their families.
•teach specific subject matter in ways that are universally accessible to all students.
IV. Teacher candidates will become reflective teacher researchers who will use assessment and contextual data to inform practice.
All candidates will:
•continuously use insights from assessment for instructional and programmatic changes over time;
•design and/or select assessments that embody standards and goals using the backward design process;
•select and/or design tools that are most useful for assessing student competence;
•analyze and synthesize data from multiple sources to identify strengths and needs at the classroom, school and district level to inform instruction;
•provide data-based accommodations and modifications addressing academic and contextual variables that may influence students’ performance.
These outcomes are our beliefs and thus the foundation of the MAT program.
Why do you think we chose these outcomes? What do these mean to you?
Further explanation these ourcomes will occur in later posts.
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