Here is a check list that will be used for your first portfolio review. The matrix were emailed to you. You will need them. Print them and put them in your portfolio.
I wish we were using electronic portfolios, but we are not there yet. It might still happen before the end of your program.
_____ Sufficient progress towards meeting the thirteen pre-student teaching FOCUS RIBTS
_____ Standard indicator(s) are numbered and written
_____ CEC standards are numbered and written
_____ Diversity standards are numbered and written
_____ Description of evidence is in paragraph form and explained completely
_____ Narrative for each indicator/standard demonstrates an understanding of the connection between the competencies required within the standard and how the evidence submitted reflects the candidate’s understanding gained through experience and study.
_____ Original work with professor’s comments
_____ Format
_____ Appearance
_____ Name on spine of binder
_____ Typewritten
_____ Dividers
_____ No page protectors
_____ Matrix
_____ No spelling errors
_____ No punctuation errors
_____ No grammatical errors
I was under the impression we were supposed to use page protectors for our evidence to keep it protected but I see the checklist says NO page protectors.